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展演位置 : 枋橋大劇院


We Solve the World's Problems

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​​關於創作者 - 

Empty Art Collective是四位藝術家組成的國際團隊,作品多結合在地元素創造出能於大眾互相交流的空間並關注於民眾的日常生活與社會議題。關心各種空間的異質狀態,嘗試在各種特異空間中進行活動。



關於工作坊 - 





About the program -

A discussion/performance sited in the main hall of 435, on the stage.  A table with chairs, a whiteboard, tea and coffee as required. 

Each week a problem or area of concern will be chosen, and the four members of the collective will sit and discuss the problem in the context of their individual and group practice. The general public are also invited to participate and suggest the topic to solve.  During the performance artworks will be proposed, ideas taken to and beyond the limits of practicality, and then into the realm of fantasy and speculation.  At the end of the discussion the whiteboard, the random notes and drawings on the table, the empty cups and biscuit wrappers, will be left – the visible trace of the attempt to grapple with the topic under discussion.

 We will document the performance and keep all the physical records of it, such as written notes.

不需報名 現場參與


 11月29日 上午10:00 – 下午12:00 枋橋大劇院


Empty Art Collective

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