【Cepo' 今日無風篩|鬼島踏查日記 團隊計劃】
2019/6/29 (六) - 7/28 (日) 12:00-19:30
2019/6/29 (六) 15:00-17:00
> 與談人:郭昭蘭(獨立策展人暨藝評)、黃英嘉(鬼島踏查日記藝術家)
2019/6/29 (六) 17:00-19:30
水谷藝術 3-5F
> 台北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號
Cepo’ 為海岸阿美族語「在河口」之意;無風篩,台語「沒有颱風」之意。
《鬼島踏查日記》團隊參與 2018 森川里海濕地藝術季,於擁有複雜原漢歷史關係的花蓮港口部落,製作〈眼淚搏擊〉計劃,結合海岸阿美族「Pakelang」習俗及傳統陶藝進行創作,並於藝術季佈置類似「房間」的展覽場域,試圖引導觀光客坐下來,藉由翻閱、觀察類似歷史、人類學考古文件的紀錄,體會在地駐村經驗。
本次於水谷藝術展出〈Cepo’ 今日無風篩〉,除了〈眼淚搏擊〉駐村作品,更深入思考環境對於三種視角的衝擊:
話是「 Cepo’ 今日無風篩」,其實,在旅途開始之前,故事說完之後,廣闊的太平洋仍然時刻蘊藏著過去與未來的颱風。三老鼠試圖回到翻轉「山老鼠」形象的精神,回到踏查「日記」與「作品」的統合,挑戰這些暫且隱形,卻真實存在的颱風——在花蓮,豐濱,台灣的一個月——那些亦山非山,似海非海,欲語還休的朋友們,真正讓血緣混雜、身份模糊的「在地旅客」、「觀察者/創作者」看見了什麼?
>>> 鬼島踏查日記
2019 美術創作卓越獎
Cepo' kīn-ji̍t bô hong-thai
- A project by Nowhere Island Journal
- A Study of Tears in Makota’ay
Cepo' kīn-ji̍t bô hong-thai is a juxtaposition of Amis and Taiwanese dialects to rephrase the sentence, ”There is no typhoon today.”
A Study of Tears in Makota’ay is a work taking shape as an exhibition in order to give audiences more depth about the experience of the artist residency program for Mipaliw Land Art Festival in the Makota’ay tribe, located in Hualien, Taiwan. Along the processes of field work, the tradition of “pakelang” in Pangcah (a name east-coast Amis tribes call themselves) culture in which grief and celebrations are combined as a fishing and feasting ritual. Nowhere Island Journal tries to re-contextualize the original pakelang ritual in a contemporary sense while reflecting on group members’ own identities that are at once foreign yet native to the land.
- Nowhere Island Journal
Ying-chia Huang, Deng-huei Kao and Kevin You hail from Tainan, New Taipei and Taipei City respectively. The three join expertise in history studies, literature, filmmaking and fine arts. They formed Nowhere Island Journal in 2017 to research and create contemporary art projects together. “Nowhere Island” was a mockery name given to the islands of Taiwan, but its meaning was reversed and transformed as the artists embark on a set of journeys to re-recognize their homeland. The group was awarded with Kuandu Outstanding Art Prize in 2019 and has shown in multiple venues including Cepo' Art Center, Waley Art, and Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts.
Date: 2019/ 6/ 29—2019/7/28,12:00a.m.—7:30 p.m.
Opening: 2019/ 6/ 29,3:00 p.m.
Venue: Waley Art, No. 6, 322 lane, Wanda Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan