Waley Galayart Open-call
2022 水谷藝術第六屆徵件計畫
水谷藝術於2014年間成立,是一間位於台北萬華六層樓老房子改造的藝文替代空間,同時也是萬華第一處展演空間。為了讓更多年輕策展人及藝術家有發揮空間,水谷藝術提供一個相對友善卻不失正式的展覽空間,以分層切割的方式將每層樓劃分成不同的空間調性,給予藝術家不同且更彈性的選擇。 第六屆水谷藝術徵件計畫,歡迎視覺/表演藝術之個人、策展人與團體申請展/演計畫、獨立策展與研究合作計畫,水谷藝術自許成為更多元的藝文展演機構。
2023年 2月 28日(二)前,歡迎視覺/表演藝術之個人、策展人與團體申請「#展演計畫」及「#獨立策展與研究合作計畫」,期待看見不同領域的創作視角,以及更多可能在水谷發生,讓我們一起探討您對於藝術的想法吧!
Waley Galayart Open-call 2022
About us
Waley Art is located in Taipei, Taiwan, which is an alternative space consisting of young artists and curators. The venue including five floors above ground and one basement floor. Each floor is in different style, can be appropriate for different kind of exhibition.
Established in August 2014, Waley Art has present graphic arts, video art, installation, performance art, sculpture and other visual arts. In addition to operate the exhibition space, Waley Art also focus on the local cultural and history studies of Galaya -- an area in south of the WanHua District, Taipei city, in which Waley Art is located in. We actively set up events with artists and community planners to make positive impacts at Galaya.
Waley Galayart Open-call 2022 welcomes individual artist, art groups and curators from different field of arts to be our applicant. The Open-call accept the exhibitions/performance plans and the curatorial/research project to apply. Waley Art expect to create a diversity art community in Taiwan.
All applicants should finish the application form and upload the form and any attachment you want us to review to Google Drive. Please send the Google Drive link to waleyart@gmail.com before the deadline. Any application which is either overtime, incomplete or violating the application regulation are not to be accepted.
The application deadline for the Waley Galayart Open-call 2022 is Feb 28, 2023 23:59(GMT+8).