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水谷藝術駐村計畫   Artist-In-Residence Program

step 3          進駐水谷

welcome to Waley Art




Waley Art is located in Taipei Taiwan, which is an alternative space consisting of young artists and curators. Waley Art including five storeys above ground and one basement floor. Each floor is in different style, can be appropriate for different kind of exhibition.


Since the establishment in August 2014, Waley Art has present graphic arts, video art, installation, performance art, sculpture and other visual arts.  From the second half of 2015, we plan to start artist-in-residence program to provide a field for artistic conversation. In addition to run the exhibition space, Waley Art also focus on the local cultural and history of Galaya -- the area in south of WanHua District, Taipei city, in which Waley Art is located in. We actively set up events with artists and community planners to make positive impacts on Galaya.


Site Environment



Waley Art is located in the south of WanHua district which is the oldest area in Taipei. This unique area remains rich, multi-layer urban context and community-based economy, and easily accessible by public transport at the same time.


How to reach



Waley Art is 10mins from Taipei Main Station by bus. Taipei Main Station is the  main transit center of Taipei, passengers can transfer to the Taipei metro system, trains, high speed rail and bus here.



  • 藝術家駐村空間及工作室

  • 駐點空間內部展覽空間

  • 當地文史資源研究資料

  • 文化田野踏查相關協助

  • 地方文史工作者實際訪談

  • 行政資源的支援

  • 國內外藝文網絡交流機會


  • Residency space and studio

  • Exhibition space

  • Local cultural and historical data

  • Research by local cultural workers

  • Assistance in field research

  • Administration resource

  • International and domestic artists network

step 2

駐村計畫簡介  Purpose of the Program






From the second half of 2015, Waley Art will be coordinating with five different art centers in Tokyo, Bangkok, Jakarta and Hong-Kong for Artist-In-residence program.


This is a bilateral exchange program, we exchange one or two artists or culture workers each month. Both sides will select eligible artists for exchange and provide necessary resource on a reciprocal basis. Waley Art will provide accommodation, working space and assistance in local research.


The program in Taiwan emphasizes on transformation the local context of WanHua District into artistic works. Try to interact with local community by presenting works or art intervention.

  • 申請資格 Eligibility


We welcome artists of all disciplines, curators, creators, researchers, culture workers and professionals in community empowerment and planning.

No limitation on age, nationality or gender

  • 進駐期限 

     Duration of Residencies

至少一個月  At least one month

  • 申請方式 Application

公開徵選  Open Call

  • 藝術家自付 Expenses paid by artist

- 機票、旅費

- 保險
- 生活費
- 創作材料費

- 雜支

-  Air tickets

-  Traveling expenses

-  Living expenses

-  Production expenses andmaterial fee

-  Insurance

-  Other expenses

  • 藝術家回饋

       Compromises of the residents / Requirements

-  藝術家需於駐村期間於本空間進行至少一場展覽或演出。展演之形式不限。

-  需配合藝廊宣傳與駐村相關活動。

-  於駐村結束後,提供一頁A4之報告、照片(至少十張)與意見回覆

-  Artists have to present their works during residency. No     limitation  on presentation form.
-  Providing materials for promotion and assist in events       relative to residency.
-  One A4 page report, photos (at least 10) and reviews         after residency.

  • 申請資料 Application Materials

  • 請填寫附件(徵件表 一、二、三)印製成A4資料請裝至信封寄出

  1. 書面(徵件表 一、二、三各一份)

  2. 光碟(徵件表 一、二、三word檔各一份,每件作品圖檔jpg、                    300dpi、10MB 並在光碟寫上作者名、作品名。)



  • 108 台北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號

  • 電話 : 02-2301-1821

  • Please fill in the attached forms (application form1, 2, 3), print on A4 and put all the application materials into an envelope, write down“ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM第一屆水谷藝術駐村徵件”in the envelope surface.

  • Please sent your application by regular mail or sent to Waley Art personally.

  • Adress: No.6, Ln. 322, Wanda Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan

  • Tel: +886 2 23011821

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