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威尼斯建築雙年展平行展「Pavilion 0/3」台灣單元
Surplus Buildings: From Marx’s Dancing Tables to the Dancing Architecture
本次受波蘭中介雙年展之邀,於威尼斯建築雙年展平行展「Pavilion 0/3」的主題《本源 - 宇宙的建築Arche-Architecture of Universe》之下策畫台灣單元《剩餘建物 surplus buildings》。
Surplus Buildings: From Marx’s Dancing Tables to the Dancing Architecture
馬克思的名言:「當其他世界靜止不動時,中國與桌子開始跳舞。」 馬克思的「跳舞桌子」是一個由資本主義的剩餘價值(surplus value)所操作的「物」, 不僅僅是透過生產、被消費的商品,更是異化為「物件、人、勞動、甚至建築」運作於之間的社會關係(social relation)。 在這段文字中,馬克思活靈活現描述的「桌舞」遠比當時18世紀末流行的「桌仙」更具有魔幻與吸引力,不僅進能夠「轉圈圈」,「倒立」,還可以轉換成我們生活的建構方式,成為自然的關係、改變國家、甚至讓這個全球得以運轉。其實從「跳舞桌子」的換寓中,馬克思所預見不僅僅是一個「資本主義世」(capitalocene)更是一個「人類世」(anthropocene)。在這個能讓桌子得以起舞的世界關係之中, 「建築」當然也不例外。
也許我們正處於巴特伊(Georges Bataille)「一般經濟」(general economy)的邏輯中,「過剩生產」以及「邊際消費」成為國家、社會、政治等主權的表現形式。「剩餘建築」在現實的具體例子是臨時性建物、廢墟、奇觀、鬼屋、溝渠、地下工程等等超越廣義的「建築性的建構」的藝術任務。在1919年 「包浩斯(Bauhaus)」所提出的建築精神(architectonic)建構未來世界的宣言之後, 我們有機會審視由光譜另一端的「解構建築」,重新觀看我們歷史的交會點。建築的剩餘價值遠遠大於使用價值(use value),因為透過交換的網絡,有著更大的影響。從建築烏托邦轉化為「異托邦」(heterotopias)與「壞托邦」(distopia)的空間讓渡,是剩餘建築存在的最佳例證。
《剩餘建築:從馬克思的跳舞桌子到房子》的展演計畫,正是倒轉的經濟關係下重新拓撲的詩學處置(poetic configuration);也是將「建築」作為一個「社會總體(feit-social)」的「再」關係。將「剩餘建築」作為一個超越目前所想像的建築本體,是對於一個顛倒的建築再脈絡的「(解)體」。其中的辨證概念視為一種「非場域」美學姿態,是流動的場所的游離關係,作為一個「之間」轉換與交換的關係標示。是以將「液態化」的動態來詮釋廣義的建築現象﹐重組我們時、空座標的認知方式,我們開始在空間認識論基礎上有一個「互主體(inter-subjective)」的情勢惟面。
參與本計劃的藝術家共有四位,分述如下:蘇郁心的作品《水眠第二章節 西藏路下的赤池》從歷史地圖、地形、空拍照片、GOOGLE地圖、機車監視器等多重視角,找尋並重塑自日治時期以來被掩蓋並修改成水利設施的地下河流。作品批判地圖描繪的邏輯,透過地圖的視覺化治理,隱含著看不見及被埋藏的可見性。郭敬耘的作品《空白地帶:製圖者》探訪合歡越嶺道上一處叫做「卡拉寶」的部落舊址,百年以來登山客、日本軍事探險家、打黑工的失聯移工、矮黑人、太魯閣族、從異域被撤退安置在高山開墾的滇緬遺民都曾暫居在此,已然廢棄殘餘的臨時建物,是一處被現代化拋下的空白地帶,環繞著各個時代的幽魂。日德.艾蘭(Ella Raidel)的作品《鬼打牆》是中國新鬼城的研究計畫,為了維持和促進生產過剩的經濟成長,導致建造超出居住需要的建築,才剛建好就立刻淪為杳無人煙的廢墟。居住雖然是建築的主要價值,新鬼城反應了資本主義的過剩生產,以及過度都會化的宿命。張乾琦的作品《隔離建築》探討緬甸首都「奈比都」,該國軍政府悄悄建造並在一夜之間遷都,是為了宣稱對人民的極權主義生命權力。今日的緬甸儼然一座殘酷的圓形監獄,所有人民都是奈比都政府監控的對象。
於是我們進入了全球資本主義都會化的「負面辯證」,讓我們所知道的建築體得以倒立、得以跳舞;一如我們現在的世界中── 詭異取代正常、奢華取代了節省、能指取代所指的變動趨勢。這是由建築的「存有學(ontology)」轉進為「魂有學(hauntology)」的現實維面,依存在真實沙漠之中的海市蜃樓榮景。
Surplus Buildings: From Marx’s Dancing Tables to the Dancing Architecture
When Karl Marx wrote, “…recall that China and the tables began to dance when the rest of the world appeared to be standing still,” these dancing tables are the result of the capitalism with excessive manipulation of surplus value. What is being mediated is not only the commodity but also the human social relation, which is reified as a thing, personal, labor, and building and organized an alienated way of life. Marx’s “Dancing table” is much more prevailing than spiritualism table séance, because these capitalistic “tables” can turn and stand on its head in shaping the nature, altering nations, and perhaps spinning the whole globe.
Indeed we are in the logic of Georges Bataille’s general economy, where the excessive production and the marginal consumption become the dominant form of sovereignty. Surplus buildings, which can be taken as temporal infrastructures, ruins, spectacles, haunted houses, and the underworld construction sites, offer us clues of where we are standing in the history since Bauhaus’s claim the architectonic building of the future in 1919. In this exhibition, we are looking at the surplus value of architecture, impacting much more powerful than the use value, produces the uncanny effect.
Yu-Hsin Su’s "Water Sleep II", she conducts a cognitive remapping of Akaike River which went underground and unitized as sewer system since the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan in historicizing the urban space. Her work is a criticism for the logic of maps, which always implied the visibility over the invisibility and the underground through visual governance. While Chin-Yun Kuo’s "Cartographer", revisits an abandoned temporary housing near an indigenous tribe and tells its story of more than a hundred year. The house was haunted by the ghosts from all times since Qing Dynasty to the contemporary, from mountain hikers, Japanese soldiers, legendary dwarves, Truku people, and Burmese foreign workers.
Ella Raidel's “Ghost Hits Wall” is an artistic research project on Chinese new ghost cities. The need to maintain and boost economic growth in its surplus production results in cities being built more than needed and turning into immediate ruins. New ghost cities reflect the surplus caused by capitalism and its destiny of over-urbanization. While Chien-Chi Chang’s "the Architecture of Isolation" investigates the overnight Burmese capital in order to assert totalitarian biopower over her people. Today Myanmar is a killing panoticon, gazing from the Big Brother center, Naypyidaw.
地點:朱代卡藝術區 GAD Giudecca Art District
(211/B,30133, Sestiere Dorsoduro, 30123 Venezia VE, Italy)
「Pavilion 0/3」主辦單位:威尼斯朱代卡藝術區、波蘭中介雙年展基金會、威尼斯美術學院
「Pavilion 0/3」台灣單元主辦單位:台灣文化產業學會、水谷藝術
「Pavilion 0/3」台灣單元贊助單位:國藝會、台北市政府文化局
計畫統籌: 彭才瑄
參展藝術家:張乾琦、蘇郁心、郭敬耘、日德.艾蘭(Ella Raidel)
「Pavilion 0/3」官網:https://pavilion0.net/en/arche/
「Arche' - Architecture of Universe」開幕活動: