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《恐懼製造所 FEAR INDUSTRY 》酸水南行為影像藝術節 X 波蘭中介雙年展

Fear has been and will be one of the most effective tools for controlling people and entire societies.
恐懼的意義超越真實。透過變成事實本身,它驅使人們實質的行動,另一方面癱瘓人們的身心。恐懼促使假新聞發展,導致各種恐懼的流行,且創造新的社群、需求及供給,以及各樣能保護我們、免於威脅或攻擊的產品。恐懼伴隨著一切敵意,通常以追求更崇高的價值、自我保衛或預防措施的美名。然後指稱這些敵意是種國家、個人、種族或是宗教價值,好歸咎於他人及爭辯自我防衛的合理性。在全球大流行的疫情之下,冠著恐懼之名的病毒已不知不覺成為操控及影響社會心境(Social moods)的工具。畢竟,人們最終還是無法找出傳染病的來源,也許是自然或偶然下產生、實驗疏失或是有意識的行動。


Fear has been and will be one of the most effective tools for controlling people and entire societies.
Fear overtakes the facts. By becoming a fact itself, it causes real actions, or lack thereof, that push people to action, or paralyze them physically and mentally.
Fear initiates the creation of fake news,fashion for various fears, activates new communities, demand and consumption, various products designed to protect us or protect us against an alleged threat or at-tack. Fear accompanies all hostilities, often preceded by a campaign to justify its coming in the name of higher values, in self-defense, or as a preventive strike. He then refers to national, identity, racial or reli-gious values, thus arguing the other party's guilt and the need for self-defense.
In the current global pandemic situation, the virus crown fear has become a soft tool of manipulation and influencing social moods. After all, you can't finally figure out what is causing the epidemic, the natural source, chance, oversight in the laboratory, or conscious action.
Our exhibition defines neither an enemy nor a victim. Draws attention to the phenomenon of fear manip-ulation in the era of global network communication. The hope that social media will become an instru-ment of democracy, free access to the truth has blurred, and digital media have become even more pow-erful, often with impunity of spreading fake news, introducing a sense of fear into the global network, although it is often difficult to determine properly what?


《恐懼製造所 FEAR INDUSTRY 》酸水南行為影像藝術節 X 波蘭中介雙年展

展期 | 2020/9/12(六)~ 9/20(日)
開放時間|每日 11:00 ~19:00 (9/20開放至16:00)
地點 | 台灣當代一年展
臺北花博爭艷館 ( 臺北市中山區玉門街1號捷運圓山站1號出口)

策展人 |
Tomasz Wendland (波蘭中介雙年展總監)、
彭才瑄 Peng, Tsai-Hsun (酸水南行為影像藝術節總監)

展出藝術家| Andrzej Wasilewski (波蘭)、Julia Kurek (波蘭)、Tomasz Wendland (波蘭)、Peter Puype (比利時)、Dávid Koronczi (斯洛伐克)、Eytan Heller (比利時)、Belu-Simion Fainaru (以色列)




特別感謝 : University of California, Irvine Department of computer Sciences

策展團隊 : 謝孟潔、蘇長慶、陳美智、王雅慕、江佳宣、林子寧、高德瑜、張文豪、賴又禎

視覺設計 | Peter Puype、江佳宣


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